last update:
May 16, 2023

Welcome to the website (the “Site”) operated by Reitmans (Canada) Limited on behalf of its various banners including its Reitmans, Penningtons and RW&CO. banners (collectively, “Reitmans”). At Reitmans, we value our customers and respect your privacy. Reitmans recognizes that it must maintain and use your personal information responsibly. We have created this privacy policy (the “Policy”) to demonstrate our firm commitment to your privacy and security, and to advise you about the collection, use and disclosure of personal information provided in store, on Reitmans application, by mail or at the Site. The Policy also provides you the ability to “opt-out” of providing personal information that you do not wish to provide and to access, change or remove any personal information already collected. Reitmans will not collect, use or disclose your personal information other than in compliance with the Policy.

By providing any personal information acquired during visitors’ and customers’ visits to the Site and/or visits to any Reitmans’ stores, by accessing and using the Site or Reitmans’ microsites used in connection with contest and/or promotional offers, the RCL Market Platform, and/or by otherwise providing Reitmans your personal information, you hereby agree to all of the terms and conditions of the Policy and consent to the collection, use and disclosure of your personal information as described in the Policy. You are responsible to ensure that your access to the Site and material available on or through it is legal in each jurisdiction in or through which you access or view the Site or such material.

The terms “we”, “us”, and “our” used in the Policy refer, collectively, to Reitmans and its affiliates, subsidiaries, divisions, successors and assigns and their respective employees, mandataries and agents (collectively, “Reitmans Affiliates”).



    We are committed to protecting the privacy and security of any of your personal information obtained by reason of you interacting with Reitmans, including through or in connection with our stores, our websites, the RCL Market Platform and through your use of our various mobile applications (apps).

    This Policy explains:

    • the types of personal information we collect;
    • when such collection occurs;
    • how we use and share the personal information we collect;
    • the steps we take to ensure your personal information is safeguarded appropriately; and
    • how you can contact us regarding your personal information and this Policy.

    The terms and conditions of use of each of our Sites refers to and incorporate this Policy and by using said Sites, you consent to this Policy.

    Our Sites may contain links to websites, which are owned and operated by third parties. Please note that this Policy does not apply to such other websites and services and we have no responsibility over their content or privacy policies.


    This Policy applies to any personal information we collect or receive about you, from you or any other source. “Personal information” as used in this Policy refers to any information that identifies, relates to, describes, or is reasonably capable of being associated with a particular individual and that is recorded in any form (such as your name, your phone number, your postal and email address and your payment information), as further defined in Canadian federal and applicable provincial privacy legislation. It may also include technical information such as your IP address, browser settings and device ID, but only when this information can identify you as an individual. Please note that personal information excludes information that is anonymized and cannot be associated with an identifiable individual and aggregate information which represents compiled data from a group of individuals who can no longer be individually identified.


    We limit the collection of personal information to what is reasonably required to fulfill the purposes for which the personal information was collected. Depending on your interaction with us, we may collect:

    • Personal identifiers, such as name, postal address, phone number, email address, account number, username or Internet Protocol (IP) addresses, and signatures.
    • Payment information, such as credit or debit card number when you make purchases;
    • Professional or employment-related information and other information you submit to us when applying for an employment opportunity, which may include some of the information described above, as well as personal statements, your resume, references and any additional information provided by you in an application;
    • Body measurements and image, including pictures and videos submitted;
    • Individual preferences, such as product interest information, comments, suggestions, ideas, and opinions;
    • Internet or other electronic network activity information (i.e. technical information when you visit our websites or use our mobile applications), including when you log in to peruse and/or purchase our products and services. This information is collected via automated means, such as cookies, authorized tokens, web beacons and similar technologies, and may include your IP address, device ID, browser type, operating system, platform used, data about the web pages you visited on our Sites/the name and address of the web page viewed immediately prior to accessing our Sites, the query (if any) entered into a search engine leading to our Sites, other “click stream” data, time and duration of a visit, information about your location, your language preferences. This also includes the complete record of your actions on the Site, including all pages visited, the time spent on each page, the information sent or received and the names of all files uploaded or download.

    Any time you place an order, sign up for our newsletter, submit your contact information and/or resume for employment purposes, enter a contest, complete a ballot, or introduce or post any text, image, video, audio, or any information, content or other materials through a Site or any other Reitmans website including any of Reitmans social networking websites and web pages such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or YouTube, in store or otherwise provide personal information to Reitmans (including via mail or e-mail in regular correspondence), it is collected, used and disclosed by Reitmans for various purposes as described herein. Moreover, every time you visit a Site, we collect internet or other electronic network activity information. This information is stored in our log files. Occasionally, if your browser is not configured to prevent disclosure of such information, the following information may also be revealed: your name, e-mail address, home and work addresses, telephone and fax numbers and any plain text commentary.

    As previously stipulated, we will also collect personal information from you when you provide your personal information to us, such as by signing up for our newsletter, by communicating with us by telephone, e-mail, LiveChat, in-store or otherwise, by setting up a user account and password, logging in as a registered user of the Site and providing information in your account(s), or by introducing or post any text, image, video, audio, or any information, content or other materials through any of Reitmans social networking websites and web pages such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or YouTube. We may also maintain a record of your product interests and acquire information about you from other present and future Reitmans Affiliates.

    We may also collect information about your approximate physical location when you use a mobile device to access our Sites. If you do not want us to collect such information, please adjust or modify the settings of your mobile device accordingly.

    Please be aware that we may use cameras in certain of our facilities to protect our rights, property and safety and those of our employees, customers and the public and in order to look for ways to improve our customers’ experiences. We do not use these cameras to identify people except when reasonably necessary for these purposes or as required by law. Where this is applicable, signs will be posted to indicate that cameras are in use.

    In light of the importance of protecting children’s privacy, we do not intend the Sites to be used by child audiences, and we do not collect, process or use on a Site any information relating to an individual whom we know to be under 14 years old without the prior, verifiable consent of his or her parent or other legal representative.

    If a parent or guardian discovers that his or her child has provided us with personal information, such parent or guardian has the right, upon request, to view the information provided by the child and/or to require that it be deleted from our records. In such a case we ask that the parent or guardian of the child contact us at the contact information provided in Section 17 “Contacting Us” below for such purpose.


    We may use all categories of personal information detailed in Section 3 “What Information is Collected by Reitmans”to provide you with information on our programs, products and services, to manage our business operations and make hiring decisions, to communicate offers and information we think might interest you, to generally enhance your customer experience with us, and as otherwise permitted or required by law. More specifically, we collect this information for the following purposes:

    1. General business purpose
      1. Process your order and answer questions about the status of your order;
      2. Send you products that you have ordered or which have been ordered on your behalf, or send your friends, relatives and/or associates, products that you have ordered on their behalf;
      3. Maintain contact with you and provide you with ongoing personalized service and help us to better understand and respond to your needs and preferences as well as to develop customer profiles based thereon;
      4. Communicate directly to you special offers and promotions from Reitmans on behalf of itself and/or third parties with whom Reitmans has entered into advertising and promotional agreements or other arrangements;
      5. Enable you to participate in our promotions and contests and those promotions and contests of third parties with whom Reitmans has entered into advertising and promotional agreements or other arrangements;
      6. Develop, improve, market and provide our products and services and manage our business;
      7. To help you locate nearby stores;
      8. To protect our rights, property and safety and those of our employees, customers and the public;
      9. To detect and prevent fraud;
      10. To maintain appropriate records for internal administrative purposes, including for staffing and management of personnel;
      11. Compile information related to loyalty and earned rewards points programs which we may establish from time to time and to which you may be entitled to in respect of your on-line and in-store product purchases; and
      12. Help us to meet applicable legal and regulatory requirements.

      For example, we may use your personal information to complete merchandise purchases and returns. We may also use personal information to contact a purchaser when necessary, such as when a delivery may be delayed or when a product is out of stock. In addition, Reitmans uses personal information to notify its consumers about products or services, promotions and special offers in which we believe they may be interested.

      We may also request additional information, such as annual income, buying preferences, or age, also known as demographic and profile data, though this information is optional and never required for you to place an order or make a purchase. If you provide the additional information, we may use this data to improve the Site and enhance your shopping experience. Answering the foregoing questions is entirely optional, is not required to place an order or make a purchase and will not impact your shopping experience, but doing so will help us better understand our clientele, improve the Site and enhance your shopping experience.

    2. Research and development purpose and analytics

      We may use personal information to understand and assess your interests and changing needs with a view to improving our products and services and developing new ones, as well as to evaluate potential improvements or other modifications to the functionality of our websites or our marketing communications. For instance, we may use third-party web analytics services, such as Google Analytics, to help us analyze how visitors use our websites or interact with our marketing communications, including ads served on third-party platforms. When required by law, we will use anonymized information for these purposes.

    3. Marketing purposes

      We may use your personal information to provide you with personalized content and services, such as tailoring our products and services, our digital experience and offerings, and deciding which offers or promotions to show you on our digital channels. In order to better serve you, we may combine information you give us online, in our stores, by telephone or in writing about your product interests. We may also combine these with readily available demographic information in order to enable us to communicate with you, by telephone (including by way of automated dialing answering device) e-mail, mail or otherwise, about our products, services, surveys, promotions, special offers, and contests.

      We may communicate with you in a variety of ways (for example, by email, telephone, text message, direct mail or through our online support services) about our programs, products, services, special offers, promotions, contests or events that may be of interest to you. We may also use third-party platforms, including social media networks, to serve relevant ads to you on their respective platforms or websites. To do this, we share a hashed identifier (such as a hashed version of your email address or phone number) with these platforms, which use it to identify matching users and allow us to target ads to you based on this information. This also allows us to provide you with more personalized and relevant ads on these platforms, and to exclude you from campaigns that may not be relevant to you. If you no longer wish to receive our commercial electronic messages or other personalized marketing communications, please follow the unsubscribe procedure included in each of these messages or contact us at any time at the address set forth in Section 17 “Contacting Us” below. For more information on this topic, see “Your Privacy Rights”.

      You acknowledge and agree that Reitmans shall also have the right to incorporate, use and reproduce any text, image, video, audio, or any information, content or other materials you provide through the Site by e-mail or post through Reitmans social networking websites and web pages such as Facebook, Twitter or YouTube, in whole or in part, in connection with the marketing and promotion of Reitmans business. You always have the right to revoke such consent in the manner described in Section 7 “Your Privacy Rights” below.

    4. Evaluating applications

      If you submit your contact information and resume for employment purposes with us, this information will only be used to evaluate your qualifications for the desired position and, if needed, to contact you.


    We will not disclose your personal information to any third party without your prior consent, other than as provided below:

    • We may disclose your personal information to any Reitmans Affiliates acting on our behalf for the purposes for which your personal information was collected as further detailed in this Policy;
    • We may transfer personal information to non-affiliated third parties service providers for processing on our behalf (such as order fulfillment services, payment solution providers, technical support service providers, customer, order and warehouse relationship management systems, marketing and cloud platform providers, delivery services, financial institutions, and third-party platforms (such as social media sites) to serve you relevant ads) pursuant to agreements that prohibit the third parties from using or disclosing the personal information other than for the purpose of processing (or when the disclosure is required by law) and which impose security safeguards appropriate to the sensitivity of the information. These third parties are only provided with the personal information necessary to perform their specific service;
    • In the event of a sale of all or substantially all of our business or another similar transaction (such as a sale of a division or business unit), we may transfer or disclose your personal information to a purchaser or prospective purchaser, who may collect, use and disclose such information for the purposes of evaluating and/or effecting a proposed transaction or operating and managing the affairs of the acquired business, or for other purposes identified in the Policy;
    • We reserve the right to disclose your personal information as required by law, in response to legal or regulatory process and law enforcement requests by domestic and foreign government authorities that have asserted a lawful right to access such information, to our legal counsel, or as necessary to protect the property, safety, interests and rights of Reitmans and any Reitmans Affiliates, employees, customers and the public;
    • In the event of the purchase of third party products and services such as through the RCL Market Platform, Reitmans might share your information directly with such third party to allow that third party to fulfill your order of products and services directly with you. In this situation, please be sure to review the third party’s privacy policy which governs how it processes your personal information when selling you its products and services (see Section 11 “Third-Party Websites” for details);
    • If we believe that the disclosure of personal information is necessary in the investigation of suspected or actual illegal activity or in response to a request by law enforcement authorities; and
    • If such disclosure would be in a way that it would not directly identify you, such as through aggregate information.

    1. Changing your communication preferences

      In the event that you have already consented to the collection, use and/or disclosure of your personal information, you may subsequently “opt-out” at any time, subject to legal or contractual restrictions and reasonable notice, by contacting our privacy officer as described in Section 17 “Contacting us” below, or by following the “opt-out” instructions provided in the promotional materials sent to you. Our privacy officer will also be able to provide you with more information regarding the implications of withdrawing consent. Please note that even if you have indicated your choice not to receive commercial messages from us, we may still communicate with you in connection with a product or service, in accordance with applicable law (for example, in order to send you important product information, a service notification or instructions related to product recalls).

      If you wish to withdraw your consent to our use of your personal information for personalized ads on third-party platforms, such as Facebook and Instagram, you can do so by adjusting your ad preferences on the respective platform. Alternatively, you can contact us at the address set forth in Section 17 “Contacting us” below. Please note that even if you opt-out of receiving personalized ads, you may still see generic ads or content that is not tailored to your interests or preferences. Also, please be aware that it may take some time to process your request, and you may continue to receive personalized ads on these platforms for a short period after you withdraw your consent.

      In respect of requests not to receive promotional communications from us and/or Reitmans Affiliates, please be sure to include your full name, address, telephone number and any e-mail address you used when you signed up or entered a contest on the Site, registered with or made a purchase from us. It may take up to ten (10) business days to process your request, during which period you may continue to receive communications from Reitmans or Reitmans Affiliates. If you prefer not to receive promotional information from Reitmans, please follow the unsubscribe instructions set out in the Policy or in the respective privacy policies and/or communications of the Reitmans Affiliate.

    2. Changing your browser settings on your device

      We use technology to enhance your experience and present you with offers, including personalised advertising. Through technologies such as cookies, our Sites recognize you when you use or return to them and can provide you with a seamless experience. You can remove or disable some of these technologies at any time through your browser. However, if you do so, you may not be able to use some of the features of our Sites.

      Please refer to your browser instructions or help screen to learn how to block, delete and manage cookies on your computer or mobile device. You may refer to Section 12 “How does Reitmans Use Cookies on the Sites?” for more information on our usage of cookies and similar technologies.

    3. Withdrawal of consent

      We would like your consent to collect, use and share your personal information for the purposes and in the manner described herein, including in order to contact you and provide you with promotional communications. Nonetheless, we want you to know that you have choices and can refuse or withdraw your consent as follows.

      You have the choice simply not to submit any personal information to us, however this may limit our ability to serve you as it may, for example, prevent you from purchasing items from the Site or participating in our contests. You may also choose only to submit information constituting required fields when making purchases or completing contest entries. In addition, you may choose to limit how we use your personal information, for example, by not allowing us to share such information with third parties by e-mailing us at the contact link below.

      You may withdraw your consent to the collection, use and disclosure of personal information in accordance with this Policy at any time upon reasonable notice to Reitmans in writing, subject to legal or contractual restrictions. To do so, you may communicate with our customer service through the “Contacting Us” link of our website.

      Withdrawal of your consent may affect our ability to continue to provide you with the products and services that you have or would like to receive because the continued use and disclosure of your personal information is a necessary part of making our products and services available to you. In certain circumstances, legal requirements may prevent you from withdrawing consent and/or we may be required to retain some of your personal information as detailed in Section 9 “How Long is my Personal Information Retained.


    You may be entitled to access your personal information and request the rectification information that is inaccurate, incomplete or no longer up to date, subject to limited exceptions set out in applicable laws.

    Depending on the law applicable in the jurisdiction where you reside and subject to legal or contractual restrictions, you may also be entitled to:

    • request information on automated processing of your personal information. You can obtain information on the personal information used to render the decision (and request that this information be correct) and the reasons, principal factors and parameters that led to the decision;
    • obtain a copy of the personal information we collected from you; and
    • obtain additional information about data processing, including the personal information collected and how it is processed by Reitmans.

    To submit a request, please contact us in writing using the relevant contact information listed in Section 17 “Contacting Us” below.


    We will keep your personal information only as long as is reasonably necessary for the purposes described in the Policy or such longer period as may be required by applicable law. Once no longer required, your personal information will be securely destroyed or anonymized, in compliance with applicable laws.


    We take great care in trying to maintain the security of personal information we have collected. We have adopted physical and technological processes and procedures to protect the confidentiality of personal information and to safeguard personal information against loss or theft, as well as unauthorized access, disclosure, copying, use or modification, in light of, among other things, the sensitivity of the information and the purposes for which it is to be used. Furthermore, each and every Reitmans employee, mandatary or agent must abide by the Policy. Although we do not take responsibility for any theft, misuse, unauthorized disclosure, loss, alteration or destruction of data, we take reasonable precautions to prevent such occurrences.

    We maintain policies and practices, which ensure the protection of your personal information. Depending on the volume and sensitivity of the information, the purposes for which it is used and the format in which it is stored, we implement a combination of measures to protect your personal information, including:

    • Internal policies and procedures that define the roles and responsibilities of our employees throughout the information life cycle and limits their access to such information on a “need-to-know” basis;
    • If information is collected or stored in electronic format, technical safeguards such as encryption, firewalls, antivirus software and similar measures;
    • A designated Privacy Officer to monitor Reitman’s compliance with applicable data protection laws;
    • Employee privacy and data security training;
    • Procedures for receiving, investigating and responding to complaints or inquiries regarding Reitman’s information handling practices, including any security incidents involving personal information;
    • Framework governing the retention and destruction of personal information, as more fully described above in Section 9 “How Long is my Personal Information Retained?” of this Policy;
    • Contractual protections and other measures to ensure that service providers with whom we share personal information maintain adequate privacy protections and standards. For example, we generally require our service providers to limit their use and retention of personal information to what is necessary to provide their services and to notify us in case of any actual or suspected security incident. We also try to monitor and audit their compliance with these requirements in various ways (e.g. on-site inspections (if feasible), surveys and interviews, proof of certification).

    Sites may contain links to other websites that are not owned or operated by Reitmans. For example, you may be afforded the opportunity to purchase third-party products and services through the RCL Market Platform. The purchase of third-party products and services are fulfilled exclusively by the relevant third-party and are between you and the third-party marketing affiliate. If you elect to purchase any third-party products and services through the use of our Sites, you understand that you will either be providing your information to both Reitmans and such third party, or Reitmans’ might share your information directly with such third party for that third party to fulfill your order of products and services directly with you. This Policy does not apply to the practices of third parties and Reitmans does not assume any responsibility for any such third party practices or for the privacy practices of the websites that it does not operate. Please be sure to check the privacy policies and practices of any third-party websites that you may gain access to through the use of our Sites.


    Like many commercial websites, Reitmans automatically collects information by electronic means through the use of “cookies”, “Web beacons” or other similar technologies.

    Cookies. Cookies are small data files that a website stores on your computer or mobile device or in random access memory when you are viewing the Site. They keep a record of your preferences making your subsequent visits to the website more efficient. In certain cases, this information is only kept during the session and is deleted when you close your browser. In other cases, the information is stored on your device and, upon your next visit to the Site, the cookies are used to recall such information. Cookies may store a variety of information, including, a unique user ID that can be used to track the pages of the Site you have visited and the number of times that you view a particular page or other item on the Site, login or registration information, your preferences and your purchase history, where available.

    • We use cookies in order to improve the online experience of users of the Site. Your cookies help us keep track of your interests and, if you are a registered customer, your cookies allow us to recognize you when you return to the Site. If you register on the Site, your cookies also help us to monitor and maintain information about your use of the Site. If you have not registered with us, your cookies may be used in order to monitor and maintain de-identified or aggregated information about your use of the Site.
    • The use of cookies is a common practice adopted by most major websites to better serve their clients. Most internet browsers are designed to accept cookies, but they can be easily modified to warn you each time a cookie is being sent or to block all cookies. This is done through your browser settings; see your browser's help files for details on how to block cookies, how to know when you have received cookies and how to disable cookies completely. You should note, however, that without cookies, some of the Site’s functions will not be available, and you will lose some of the benefits of the Site as, amongst other things, we will not recognize you as a past visitor or a registered user.
    • We may use first-party cookies such as Google Analytics to help analyze how you use this website. The information generated by the cookie about your use of this website may then be transmitted to and stored by these third parties, who may use the information for the purposes of documenting Site activity such as evaluating your use of the Site, compiling reports on website activity, traffic accounting, content analysis, and providing other services relating to website activity and internet usage. This information may generally be de-identified or aggregated for statistical purposes such that it cannot be directly used to identify specific individuals.

    Web beacons. “Web beacons”, also sometimes called “pixel tags”, are small strings of code placed on a Web page or in an e-mail message for the purpose of transferring data.

    • We and the online marketing company or companies that we use to help manage our Internet business and communications employ cookies and Web beacons placed on the Site’s pages to deliver our ads, to measure the effectiveness of our advertising, including our e-mail promotions, and to learn how visitors use the Site. The ad-serving technology generally uses de-identified or aggregated information about your visits to the Site and the sites upon which we advertise to serve our ads to you. In the course of delivering our advertisements, a unique third-party cookie may be placed on or recognized by your browser.
    • The Web beacons used in conjunction with this third-party ad cookie enable our ad server to recognize a browser’s cookie when a browser visits the Site and to learn which banner ads bring visitors to the Site. As previously mentioned, your internet browser can, through the settings, be set up to warn you each time a cookie is being sent, to block all cookies or to disable cookies completely.

    Your personal information may be transferred, stored, accessed, or used in a jurisdiction outside your jurisdiction of residence (for example, outside your province or outside Canada) in connection with our use of third-party service providers engaged by us. We engage these third-party service providers to assist us in providing our services to you as further detailed in Section 6 “To Whom May My Personal Information be Disclosed”; for example, in order to process payment, fulfil product orders, provide e-commerce functions, or manage our communications with you.

    We use our best efforts to ensure that all of our third-party service providers take reasonable security measures to protect your personal information (this includes technical, administrative, and physical safeguards to protect your personal information). We use our best efforts to ensure our service providers only use your personal information for authorized purposes we have made known to you or which are otherwise permitted by applicable law.

    Where personal information is located outside of your province of residence or outside Canada, it is subject to the laws of that jurisdiction which may differ from those in your jurisdiction and any personal information transferred to another jurisdiction will be subject to law enforcement, regulatory, and national security authorities in that jurisdiction. Subject to these laws, we will to the best of our abilities use contractual measures to maintain protections that are similar to those that apply in Canada.


    Any changes that we make to this Policy will become effective when we post a modified version of this Policy on our Sites. If the changes we make are significant, we will provide a more prominent notice and/or obtain consent when required by applicable laws (for example, by email notification or by posing notice on our Sites by web banner). By continuing to use our services or purchase our products after the modified version of this Policy has been posted or after you have been informed of such modifications, you are accepting the changes to this Policy. If you do not agree to the changes in our Policy, it is your responsibility to stop using our services or purchasing our products. It is your obligation to ensure that you read, understand and agree to the latest version of this Policy. The “Effective Date” at the top of this Policy indicates when it was last updated.


    U.S. Residents. U.S. state legislation, for example, California Civil Code Section 1798.83, may permit customers to ask us for certain information regarding Reitmans’ disclosures in the prior calendar year, if any, of personally identifiable information to third parties or our affiliates for their own direct marketing purposes. If you are a California resident, or resident of a state permitting such a request, and would like to make such a request, please contact our privacy officer in writing (see Section 17 “Contacting Us” below).

    Please include your name and the address to which you would like us to respond, and allow us thirty (30) days to respond to your request.


    Reitmans has installed on the Site various social media plug-in protocols, such as Facebook’s “Like” button, which allow you to share your likes and interests in Reitmans products, services, and promotions with your friends and contacts. When you click on a social media plug-in protocol link, such as the Like button, a link to the Site may appear in the “Likes and Interests” section of your Facebook or other social media website profile. Your friends and contacts will be able to see the link and be led back to the Site if they share your likes and interests or if they are interested in learning more about our products, services, and promotions. We may also contact you, and those of your friends and contacts who chose to become members of Reitmans social media website webpages, with news about Reitmans’ so you and your friends and contacts can learn about Reitmans’ products, services and promotions. By using a social media plug-in protocol link, you consent to receiving communications from us for all of these purposes and agree to allow us to use information on your likes and interests in connection with the marketing and promotion of our business. You understand that information about your likes and interests may be shared with your friends and contacts and the broader social-media website community. For more information about social media plug-in protocols, such as Facebook’s “Like” button, and its impact on your privacy rights, please visit the appropriate social media website’s help center (such as the Facebook Help Center at the following: Facebook Help Center - Social Plug-ins) to find out more.


    To ensure that your personal information is accurate, complete and up-to-date, you may contact us or log into your account (if applicable) if any changes or modifications are required. You may also send us a written request if you wish to access the personal information that we have collected about you. Please be advised that in order for you to modify, access or review your personal information, we may ask you to provide us with sufficient identification.

    In all cases, we will generally attempt to answer your request within thirty (30) days or we will advise you if we require a longer response time.

    Through our Customer Service Portal 1-866-REITMAN
    Reitmans (Canada) Limited
    250 Sauvé Street West
    Montréal, Québec H3L 1Z2
    Attn: Customer Service

    [email protected] | T 514.384.1140 | W WWW.REITMANSCANADALIMITEE.COM